​With the latest genetic test by Prim. Karin Stengg, you can analyze over 80 genes in your body, as well as relevant genes for telomere length and your biological age, and use these findings to stay young and longer healthy.

The Healthy Aging Medical Center Vienna has set itself the task of carrying out a combination of examinations and tests of your genetic predisposition and your epigenetic factors tailored to your needs, analyzing the results and creating an individual therapy for you that takes your aging process and the counteracts individual risks in order to maintain or restore their health.

  • Analysis of over 80 gene variations
  • Determination of relevant genes for telomere length and biological age
  • oxidative Stress and Free Radicals:
    How your body is able to detoxify various pollutants and effective to reduce stress and prevent burnout.

  • analysis of stress-associated polymorphisms:

    How your body is able to deal with stress.
  • genetics of Immune Regulation:
    Tendency to a more aggressive immune system and increased inflammatory capacity.
  • collagen and skin aging:
    What micronutrients does your skin need for natural collagen production to maintain?
  • cardiovascular diseases
         Prevention and treatment of dyslipidemia.
  • metabolic diseases:

    Prevention and effective treatment of diabetes and medical tolerance..
  • bone metabolism
    Prevention and effective treatment of inflammatory joint diseases & osteoporosis and drug tolerance.
  • weight genes:
    An analysis and listing of the genes that affect your body weight. You will learn what you can eat without problems or            what ratio between strength and endurance sports you optimally supported. From that an individual nutrition plan, as               well as an individual training created program. More than 900 foods based on your evaluated genes.

  • Based on this analysis, you will receive a plan with individual recommendations tailored to your genetic profile.


With our Individual Health Control genetic test by Prim. Karin Stengg, you can analyze over 60 genes in your body, as well as relevant genes for telomere length and your biological age, and use these findings to stay young and longer healthy.

The Healthy Aging Medical Center Vienna has set itself the task of carrying out a combination of examinations and tests of your genetic predisposition and your epigenetic factors tailored to your needs, analyzing the results and creating an individual therapy for you that takes your aging process and the counteracts individual risks in order to maintain or restore their health.

  • Analysis of over 60 gene variations
  • Determination of relevant genes for telomere length and biological age

  • oxidative Stress and Free Radicals:
    How your body is able to detoxify various pollutants and effective to reduce stress and prevent burnout.
  • analysis of stress-associated polymorphisms:

    What is the best way for your body to deal with stress?
  • genetics of Immune Regulation:
    Tendency to a more aggressive immune system and increased inflammatory capacity.
  • collagen and skin aging:
    What micronutrients does your skin need for natural collagen production to maintain?
  • cardiovascular diseases:
         Prevention and treatment of dyslipidemia.
  • metabolic diseases:

    Prevention and effective treatment of diabetes and medical tolerance.
  • bone metabolism:
    Prevention and effective treatment of inflammatory joint diseases & osteoporosis and drug tolerance.
  • Based on this analysis, you will receive a plan with individual recommendations tailored to your genetic profile.


The biological cell age is a universal biomarker for age, fragility and stress and can be a marker for longevity by improving the lifestyle, the so-called epigenetics.

Ageing at the cellular level leads to an ageing of the organism at the physiological level.

Diese Auswertung enthält eine genetische Analyse zur Prävention, Erkennung und Kontrolle und hilft das Risiko angeborener Krankheiten zu erfassen und länger gesund zu bleiben.

This evaluation contains a genetic analysis for prevention, detection and control and helps to assess the risk of congenital diseases and to stay healthy longer.

With this analysis it is possible to create an individual prevention programme that corresponds to the genetic profile.

  • Analysis of 9 gene variations
  • Determination of biological age
  • Determination of telomere length

Analysis of relevant genetic variants with influence on telomerase activity. Genetic analysis report of certain genes for stress, metabolism and bone metabolism.

Treatment options for each gene listed. Summary of the latest scientific findings as predicators for biological age.


Recommended control test after 6 months to check the telomere length in comparison to the initial analysis.

Determination of telomere length

Possible adaptation of the recommended prevention program.


This genetic analysis can indicate the appropriate gene diet based on the genetic profile.

From the gene profile can be an individual nutrition plan, as well
Create an individualized exercise program that identifies which foods should be avoided and which foods can be eaten without hesitation to lose weight, achieve the desired weight and then keep it simple.

  • Analysis of 8 genetic variation
  • Evaluation of innate traits
  • Weight loss programme adapted to the genes
  • More than 900 foods based on the evaluated genes
  • Molecular genetic analysis results
  • Free access to the DNAnutriControl portal - to create individual daily weekly diet plans and training programs again and again

Your genetic predisposition to overweight
Does fat lead to overweight in you?
Do carbohydrates lead to overweight?
How strong is the jojo effect for you?
Do you accumulate more fat around your organs?
How intense is your feeling of hunger?
How intense is your feeling of fullness?
Do your genes tend to make you eat particularly high-calorie foods?
Do your genes tend you to eat several small snacks?
How effective is calorie reduction for losing weight (eating less)?
How much muscle mass do you lose through calorie reduction?
Which ratio between strength and endurance sports is recommended for you?
What can you eat without problems and what should you avoid?


Analysis of genetic strengths and weaknesses, influencing different areas of athletic performance. The evaluation shows how the sports program and the diet can be adapted to achieve better results in competitive sports.

Genes have an influence on your performance::
Certain genetic variations control the structure of the body and therefore have a considerable influence on the strength and endurance of your muscle cells.

To convert kinetic energy, cells require a certain amount of oxygen, which the body extracts from the air it breathes. When exercising, the body needs more energy and therefore more oxygen, which is why breathing accelerates during exercise. If there is too little oxygen available in the cells, energy conversion slows down and performance drops. The ability to absorb oxygen via the lungs and transport it to the corresponding muscles is called the VO2max level. This value can be improved by good endurance training. However, there are certain gene variations that significantly increase the VO2max level even without training and therefore create a better basis for endurance sports.

In addition, athletes produce significantly more free radicals, which can damage the tissue. Because these molecules have such negative effects on your health and athletic performance, your body has some genes that can recognize and neutralize these molecules. Unfortunately, many people have genetic variations in these genes that interfere with function and protection and increase oxidative stress. However, certain micronutrients, called antioxidants, can compensate for the lack of protection if they are present in the right dose. It is therefore possible to test the corresponding genes and, depending on the result, to compensate for the genetic weaknesses with the right dose of micronutrients.

The aggressiveness of the immune system is controlled by certain genes and can lead to an increased risk of injury. This analysis describes your inflammatory reactions and analyzes your individual genetic risk of injury.


➤Analysis of over 20 relevant genetic

➤Determine the genetic talent for
weight training

➤Determine the genetic talent for
endurance sports

➤Maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max)

➤Genetically adjusted
Food programfor more power

➤ Better protection against free radicals

➤ Prevention of inflammation and injury

➤ Increase performance in competitive sports


ANALYSIS of 8 factors of skin aging.

More than 20 genetic variations are known in science today, which influence more than 8 factors of skin aging. A genetic analysis will show you how and what you can do about it.

Ageing, and especially the ageing of the skin, has a variety of causes. However, there are people who seem to age faster or slower with the same lifestyle. So there are still clear, individual differences from person to person and these differences lie in the genes.

The aim of this program is to analyze the status of the protective genes in the laboratory and to identify personal innate strengths and weaknesses.

With the result you can then start a program adapted to your genes that supports your personal genetic strengths and combats your weaknesses as best as possible.

Your genetic analysis tells us which substances your skin needs in which dosage. 

• recognize personal weaknesses and neutralize them
• Using personal strengths
• All substances in exactly the right dosage
• Optimized absorption of the substances through the skin 
• Optimized absorption of the substances through the food 
• fight aging signs from inside and outside simultaneously

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